Product Description
A clear coating and cleaner tested safe according to military specifications on Plexiglas®, Acrylic, Lexan®, Polycarbonate, Chrome, Formica®, Fiberglass, Marble, Stainless Steel and all glass. Improves visual clarity. Repels dust, dirt, chemicals, salt, finger smudges and scratches. Reduces wear and scratching. Non-abrasive, contains no wax. Also effective on Glass, Chrome, Formica®, Fiberglass & Marble.
Applications and Uses
Bathrooms, Mirrors, Glass Doors, Windows, Shields, Goggles, Sneeze Shields, Freezer Doors, Display Cases, TV Screens
Features and Benifits
• Reduces Surface Distortion and Dust Attaction
• Safe On All Plastic Surfaces
• Protects Against Scratching & Discoloration
• Low VOC
• Non-Flammable
Directions for Use
Offers a unique 360° valve which allows spraying in upright or inverted position. Shake well. Spray from a distance of 6 to 8 inches. If surface is dirty, use first spraying for cleaning, then respray. Wipe with a lint-free wiper, then polish and buff. Extra coats will give extra protection. Not Recommended for Outside Windshields. NOTE: Protect floors from overspray to prevent slippery conditions.
Refer to product label for full set of directions
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